Select HMI

ADA Modifications

ADA Modifications
Enhancing your home through the addition of adaptive equipment

ada modificationsSelect Home Maintenance and Inspection (HMI) helps solve ADA modifications, or problems that make it difficult for seniors to continue living at home. From supplying and installing the best adaptive equipment after a disabling fall to cleaning out the most cluttered homes – we can help you and your family get the house in order.

With years of experience, Select HMI has a proven track record and a unique set of skills. Our staff know exactly what to do to make clients safe and to be at ease with the process. We can help you craft a solution to fit your personal needs and respond to cases under the most challenging circumstances.

Contact Select HMI today to find out more about our ADA Modifications, such as:


Installing and repairing ADA rampsDoor Widening for Wheelchair Accessibility
Grab bar installation and repairInstallation of ADA showers


Contact Select HMI by calling (888) 960-0895, or send us an e-mail here…

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